Specifications of 300J pendulum impact testing devices
– Specifications of 300J pendulum impact testing devices
The 300 joule pendulum impact tester is designed to determine the impact resistance of the material. Impact testing is performed in accordance with internationally recognized standards by Sharpy method and ISO 148, ASTM E23 and EN-10045-2 in the energy range from 300-150 joules. Metals can be tested using a 300 joule pendulum impact texting system.

Features of 300J Impact Testers
- Equipped with automatic hammer lifting and braking system
- Automatic hammer release system
- Calculate pendulum speed and display angles
- Full test report including release angle, impact energy, passing angle, pendulum speed
- Digital LCD to display all parameters
- Accurate digital angle measurement system
- Possibility to equip with Charpy hammer and fixture
- Possibility to equip with Izod hammer and fixture
- Friction calculation
- Equipped with safety guard in the path of hammer passage
- Pendulum locking system and safe release
- Send information to PC
- Equipped with pliers for accurate placement of test specimens
- Warranty and after-sales service